November 21, 2024

65 – Teaser December

Hello everyone and welcome,

the year is coming to an end. There has been many changes in the world, or also in my personal live. We left Hamburg and moved to Munich. There were ups and downs. Overall I already want to thank everyone for their support.
I really hope I could teach you something.
And to wrap this up there is going to be another guest tutorial by Bareis+Nicolaus plus two more beginner friendly videos. (Keyframes and flipping coins)

Enjoy the (hopefully) calm days of December!

November 2, 2024

64 – Teaser November

Hello everyone and welcome!

Here is another teaser for the upcoming month. These are the upcoming topics:
1. Lights in general & in Redshift
2. Two beginner videos (Blob in a box & Retiming)
3. Caustics in Redshift

September 20, 2024

63 – Teaser October

So crazy that I started with Patreon 5 years ago! Watch the teaser to see what is coming next month.

And in addition to the normal teaser here are a few snippets about all the things coming in October.
1. Light Setup
2. VSK Texture Plugin Update
3. Beginners guide
4. 50% Discount on all products

August 31, 2024

62 – Teaser September

Hello everyone and welcome!

Here is another teaser for the upcoming month.
I am super happy to introduce you to 2D Pete.
He is going to make the main tutorial.
But I am also starting with my beginners guide.

So I hope to see you on board!


August 13, 2024

61 – Teaser August

Hello everyone and welcome this is my teaser for August.
There are going to be two quick tutorials and a job digest with some insides and we will recreate one scene.


May 27, 2024

59 – Teaser June&July

"Join my upcoming AI workshop series where I'll design 'PingPong' and demonstrate how I integrate AI into my workflow. The nine videos will cover: Inspiration with AI, Concept, Modeling, Stickers, Design, Rendering, AI Music, and Compositing."

I will release one video per week.

& One extra video in which I will talk about the "new" node system in Redshift.

May 2, 2024

58 – Teaser May

Helle everyone,

here is a short teaser for the upcoming month.
There are going to be four different videos with Particles, Hairs, Aerodynamics, some AI, some Redshift, some this and that°°


March 27, 2024

57 – Free Modelpack & RS OSL Shader

New month on Patreon there are a few nice things coming in April.

1. Subscribe and get our (@_piascheiber) 200 Model Pack for free (only in April, after that it costs 49€)
2. I will talk about OSL and how to make your objects super shiny!


Join my Patreon and learn cool 3D stuff monthly.