July 27, 2021

Teaser for August

Hello everyone,

this is a quick teaser for the upcoming month. There are a lot of topics to talk about, so I will definitely record quite something. If that interests you, I am looking forward to see you next month. Otherwise you can always end your subscription and come back when there is "your" topic, just keep in mind that you need to exit at the end of the month or if you want to join again, it has to be the beginning of the month (to get the most out of the subscribtion)

June 27, 2021

Teaser, not teaser

To view this content, you must be a member of Vincent's Patreon at $1 or more

May 27, 2021

Teaser for June

To view this content, you must be a member of Vincent's Patreon at $1 or more

April 27, 2021

Teaser for May

This is the teaser for May and here is an overview:

01 Animation Tier: Business, Money, and how to recycle

02 Design: Create something new out of something old

03 Master: Boldtron is going to be a guest: https://www.instagram.com/boldtron/

March 26, 2021

Teaser for April

Lot's of stuff to come in April.

Animation Tier: UVs in R23 

Design Tier: OSL Shader & Mini shader pack with 12 different ones 

Master Tier: NFT this and that  

Also some extra Bonus!

February 21, 2021

Teaser for March

Here is the teaser for the next month. To help you to understand all the Tier -->

10€ Tier: I will explain the animation part in C4D (plus all the Mixamo stuff)
15€ Tier: I will explain lights, textures, composition all based on Redshift
25€ Tier: You will get the audiopack from Jürgen for free

January 14, 2021

Teaser for February

Hello everyone. Here is the teaser for  the upcoming month. I think there are some nice tips and tricks. So see you in February.

Enjoy and Cheers

December 26, 2020

Teaser for January 2021

Looking forward to creating lots of more interesting stuff in 2021. And I am starting with this one. Hope to see you there.


November 30, 2020

Teaser for December

This is the Patreon teaser for December. I will mostly talk about Voronoi Fracture. We will also make a quick modeling part and there are going to be some specials. A secret Christmas bonus and also Max Salzborn recorded something for me.
Looking forward to see you in December.


October 25, 2020

Teaser for November

Here is my Teaser for the next month. There are definitely some interesting topics and I hope you want to join me then.


Join my Patreon and learn cool 3D stuff monthly.